De sobra es
conocida en España la afición de los alemanes por el sol y la playa. Hoy ha
vuelto a salir el sol en Colonia y las terrazas son un hervidero de actividad. Llama
la atención porque estamos apenas a dos grados sobre cero y, debido al viento, la
sensación térmica yo me atrevería a decir que es de algún grado negativo. Aun con
todo, la gente aquí no deja escapar una oportunidad así e incluso se atreven con
los helados, que dicho sea de paso, aquí se consumen todo el año, ya que las heladerías
solo disminuyen su actividad en invierno pero no cierran.
Es realmente llamativa es esa gran afición por estar en la calle a pesar del frío. Y es que en eso somos algo diferentes. Nosotros en cuanto hace ese frío decimos aquello de mejor vamos dentro, pero aquí prefieren estar con el abrigo puesto y en la calle, lo que por otra parte esta bien para los españolitos que vivimos por aquí porque al fondo siempre hay sitio.
Pero lo realmente sorprendente es que tu piensas será por el sol, pero cuando sales por la noche ves que las terrazas también tienen gente con sus mantitas puestas por encima de las piernas y esos artilugios calefactores encendidos en los toldos y sombrillas, y hace un frío del carajo pero ellos están tan a gustito en la calle.
El tiempo aquí tampoco es tan extremo, de hecho es muy similar al que tenemos en mi querida Segovia, pero si es verdad que las horas de sol son menos y los días nublados mas, lo que hace entender las quejas de algunos.
Al final yo creo que esa idea de que los alemanes enseguida huyen de su país para irse a las playas españolas, que ya parecen parte de Alemania (vease Mallorca, Fuerteventura, Salou...), solo es cierta en el mismo sentido en que los madrileños se marchan a Levante en cuanto que pueden, y es que yo diría que hay el mismo porcentaje de amantes del sol y la playa que en España.
En cuanto viajas un poco por aquí te das cuenta de que hay un montón de turistas alemanes haciendo turismo interno pero claro, en casa solo los vemos como cangrejos en la playa. Y es que hay creados una gran cantidad de estereotipos en torno a los alemanes que a veces no son del todo ciertos, como que solo comen salchichas y solo beben cerveza, pero de eso ya hablaremos otro día...
It is well known in Spain how fans are Germans of sun and beach. Today the sun rise again in Cologne and terraces are a hive of activity. Striking because we are just two degrees above zero and, due to the wind, the wind chill I would say that is a negative rating. Even that, all people here do not miss an opportunity like this and even dare with ice cream, which by the way, here are consumed throughout the year, as the ice cream shops only decrease their activity in winter but not stop it.
It is really shocking that great love of being outside in the cold. And in that, we are somehow different. We, spanish, when it is that cold, we say it is better to go inside, but here they prefer to be with their coat on street, what on the other hand is good for the spaniards we live here because there is always room at the back.
But the real surprise is that you think it will because of the sun, but when you go out at night you see the terraces also have placed people with the blankets over their legs and heaters on these gadgets in the awnings and umbrellas, and it is cold as hell but they are so confortable in the street.
The weather here is not that extreme, in fact it is very similar to what we have in my beloved Segovia, but it is true that the daylight hours are fewer and more the cloudy days, which makes to understand some complaints.
In the end I think the idea that Germans quickly leave their country to go to spanish beaches, which seem part of Germany (i.e. Mallorca, Fuerteventura, Salou ...), is only true in the same direction that people from Madrid leave to Valencia as soon as they can, and I would say there is the same percentage of sun and beach lovers as in Spain.
As soon as you travel a bit around here you realize that there are a lot of German tourists making domestic tourism but, of course, we see them only in Spain like crabs on the beach. And that's created a lot of stereotypes about Germans which sometimes are not entirely true, as that they only eat sausages and drink beer, but we'll talk about that any other day ...What is your opinion?
It is really shocking that great love of being outside in the cold. And in that, we are somehow different. We, spanish, when it is that cold, we say it is better to go inside, but here they prefer to be with their coat on street, what on the other hand is good for the spaniards we live here because there is always room at the back.
But the real surprise is that you think it will because of the sun, but when you go out at night you see the terraces also have placed people with the blankets over their legs and heaters on these gadgets in the awnings and umbrellas, and it is cold as hell but they are so confortable in the street.
The weather here is not that extreme, in fact it is very similar to what we have in my beloved Segovia, but it is true that the daylight hours are fewer and more the cloudy days, which makes to understand some complaints.
In the end I think the idea that Germans quickly leave their country to go to spanish beaches, which seem part of Germany (i.e. Mallorca, Fuerteventura, Salou ...), is only true in the same direction that people from Madrid leave to Valencia as soon as they can, and I would say there is the same percentage of sun and beach lovers as in Spain.
As soon as you travel a bit around here you realize that there are a lot of German tourists making domestic tourism but, of course, we see them only in Spain like crabs on the beach. And that's created a lot of stereotypes about Germans which sometimes are not entirely true, as that they only eat sausages and drink beer, but we'll talk about that any other day ...What is your opinion?